There is / There are

Conversation Chunks

At a Hotel:

Receptionist: Good evening! Welcome to our hotel. How can I help you?
Guest: Hi, do you have any rooms available?
Receptionist: Yes, we do! There is a single room on the third floor and
there are double rooms on the fourth floor. Which one would you like?

At a Restaurant:

Waiter: Welcome to our restaurant! Please have a seat.
Can I get you anything to drink?
Customer: Yes, please. Do you have any lemonade?
Waiter: I’m sorry, there is no lemonade. But we have ice tea and soda.
Which one would you like?

At a Classroom:

Teacher: Good morning class! Today, we are going to talk about animals.
There are many different types of animals in the world.
Can anyone name some animals?
Student 1: There are cats and dogs.
Student 2: There is also a rabbit.
Teacher: Yes, that’s right! There are many different animals that we can learn about.

At a Park:

Friend 1: Look! There are many trees in this park.
Friend 2: Yes, there are a lot of trees.
And there is a playground over there. Do you want to go there?

At a Shopping Mall:

Shopper: Excuse me, is there a restroom in this mall?
Salesperson: Yes,, there are restrooms on every floor.
Just take the elevator or escalator and you will find them easily.

At a Movie Theater:

Moviegoer: Hi, is there a movie playing right now?
Ticket seller: Yes, there is a movie playing in theater 3.
What movie would you like to see?

At a Museum:

Visitor: Hello, is there an exhibit on ancient civilizations in this museum?
Tour guide: Yes, there is an exhibit on the second floor.
Would you like me to show you the way?

At a Supermarket:

Customer: Excuse me, is there any milk on the shelf?
Employee: I’m sorry, there is no milk on the shelf at the moment.
But we will restock it soon.

At a Beach:

Swimmer: Wow, there are many people swimming in the ocean.
Sunbather: Yes, there are a lot of people enjoying the water.
And there is a beach volleyball game over there. Do you want to join in?

At a Zoo:

Visitor: Hi, are there any tigers in this zoo?
Zookeeper: Yes, there are tigers in the big cat exhibit.
Would you like me to take you there?

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