Verb to Be Past vs Present

FUNCTION: (how it works)

Go here for there is and there are

1. Expressing Existence or Presence

Function: Indicates that something existed or was present at a specific time in the past.

1.There was a grand castle on the hill.
2.There were many guests at the party.
3.In those days, there was no electricity in the village.
4.There were only a few cars on the streets.
5.There was a strange silence in the forest.
6.There was a large crowd at the concert last night.
7.There was a small coffee shop on that corner before it closed down.
8.There were many old books in the library back in those days.
9.There was a deep sense of peace in the garden last summer.
10.There were several old photographs in the drawer from the 1950s.

Instruction: Find the sentences that best describe the images

answers from left to right: A-4. B-8. C-1.

2. Describing States or Conditions

Function: Describes the state or condition of a noun in the past.

1.The weather was chilly yesterday.
2.The windows were open all night.
3.The soup was too hot to eat immediately.
4.The doors were locked when I tried to enter.
5.The room was dark when I arrived.
6.The ice cream was delicious, I ate it immediately.
7.The streets were empty during the early morning hours.
8.The meeting room was crowded during the presentation.
9.The dog was sick last week, but he’s better now.
10.The phone was uncharged, so I couldn’t call you.

Instruction: Find the sentences that best describe the images

answers from left to right: A-1. B-3. C-9.

3. Identifying Characteristics

Function: Used to identify specific characteristics or qualities of a subject in the past.

1.She was a famous actress in the 1920s.
2.The trees were very tall and old.
3.The building was blue before it was repainted.
4.The books were dusty and untouched for years.
5.The car was new at that time.
6.The cat was playful and energetic as a kitten.
7.The phone was the latest model last year.
8.The jacket was warm enough for the winter weather.
9.The movie was popular when it first came out.
10.The painting was considered a masterpiece by many critics.

Instruction: Find the sentences that best describe the images

answers from left to right: A-2. B- 8. C- 6.

4. Linking the Subject to a Complement

Function: Connects the subject to a complement that describes or provides more information about the subject.

1.My favorite teacher was Mr. Johnson.
2.They were the best players on the team.
3.The solution to the problem was simpler than we thought.
4.The winners of the competition were announced last night.
5.His reaction was not what I expected.
6.The winner of the race was Maria.
7.The main ingredient in the dish was garlic.
8.The cause of the delay was a traffic jam.
9.The highlight of the show was the magician’s act.
10.Their favorite movie was “Gone with the Wind.”

Instruction: Find the sentences that best describe the images

answers from left to right: A-1. B-10. C- 6.

5. Indicating Location or Place

Function: Shows where something or someone was located in the past.

1.The keys were on the table.
2.We were at the park when it started to rain.
3.The event was held at the city hall.
4.The documents were in the top drawer of his desk.
5.She was in New York last month.
6.The cat was under the bed during the thunderstorm.
7.The car was parked right outside the building.
8.The meeting was in the large conference room on the fifth floor.
9.The children were at their grandmother’s house over the weekend.
10.The phone was in my jacket pocket all along.

Instruction: Find the sentences that best describe the images

answers from left to right: A-9. B-3. C-8.

Pair Practice: Functions of “To Be”


Work in pairs and choose a question related to a specific function of the verb “to be”. Discuss the question and take turns answering, making sure your response highlights the verb’s function. Use complete sentences and focus on accurate usage of “to be”. After discussing, pick a new question from another function to continue practicing. Aim to clearly demonstrate understanding through your answers.

SET 1 (student 1)

Expressing Existence or Presence

  1. Was there a celebration in town last weekend?
    … in the central square.
  2. Were there any new students in our class last semester?
    … three new students

Describing States or Conditions

  1. How was the weather during your vacation last summer?
    … extremely hot and sunny.
  2. What was the mood at the family reunion?
    … very joyful and nostalgic.

Identifying Characteristics

  1. What was special about the movie you watched last night?
    … the unexpected plot twist at the end.
  2. Can you describe what your first phone was like?
    … quite bulky with a small screen.

Linking the Subject to a Complement

  1. What was the hardest part of the project for you?
    … finding enough resources.
  2. What was your favorite dish at the dinner party?
    … the homemade apple pie.

Indicating Location or Place

  1. Where was the annual company meeting held last year?
    … in the main conference hall downtown.
  2. Where was the lost dog found by the neighbors?
    … in Mrs. Thompson’s backyard garden.

SET 2 (student 2)

Expressing Existence or Presence

  • Was there enough food at the event yesterday?
    … just enough for everyone.
  • Were there any tickets left for the concert last Friday?
    … no, they were all sold out

Describing States or Conditions

  • How was the temperature in the classroom yesterday afternoon?
    … quite warm, with no air conditioning.
  • What was the condition of the park after the festival?
    … a bit messy but overall in good condition

Identifying Characteristics

  • What was notable about the guest speaker at the assembly?
    … her inspiring story
  • Can you describe how the old library looked before the renovation?
    … very traditional, with dark wood shelves and a musty smell.

Linking the Subject to a Complement

  • What was the best movie you saw last year?
    … “Parasite,” for its unique storyline and direction.
  • What was your main reason for choosing that particular college?
    … the excellent engineering program and campus culture.

Indicating Location or Place

  • Where was the last place you visited on your school trip?
    … the historical museum.
  • Where was the art exhibition displayed in the city?
    … in the newly opened gallery on Main Street.

SET 3 (student 3)

Expressing Existence or Presence

  • Was there a power outage in the neighborhood last night?
    … for about two hours.
  • Were there any leftovers from the dinner party?
    … plenty of cake and salad.

Describing States or Conditions

  • How was the crowd’s energy at the concert last weekend?
    … incredibly vibrant and enthusiastic.
  • What was the atmosphere like during the holiday season?
    … festive and warmly inviting.

Identifying Characteristics

  • What was remarkable about the winning team’s performance?
    … their exceptional teamwork and strategy.
  • Can you describe what the weather was like on your last hiking trip?
    … sunny and mild, perfect for hiking.

Linking the Subject to a Complement

  • What was the most challenging book you read during the past year?
    … “Ulysses” by James Joyce, due to its complex narrative.
  • What was your first impression of your now best friend?
    very outgoing and friendly, instantly likable.

Indicating Location or Place

  • Where was the meeting point for the last community clean-up?
    … at the city park entrance.
  • Where was the lost item found in the school?
    … in the lost and found box in the main office.

Mastering the Functions of the Verb “To Be”


In this quiz, you will be presented with a series of sentences. For each question, choose the option that best exemplifies the specified function of the verb “to be”.
Each function is key to understanding and correctly using the verb. Read each sentence carefully and select the answer that correctly demonstrates the given function.

1. Which sentence uses the verb "to be" to express existence or presence?

2. Which sentence uses the verb "to be" to describe a state or condition?

3. Which sentence uses the verb "to be" to identify characteristics?

4. Which sentence uses the verb "to be" to link the subject to a complement?

5. Which sentence uses the verb "to be" to indicate location or place?

6. Which sentence uses the verb "to be" to express existence or presence?

7. Which sentence uses the verb "to be" to describe a state or condition?

8. Which sentence uses the verb "to be" to identify characteristics?

9. Which sentence uses the verb "to be" to link the subject to a complement?

10. Which sentence uses the verb "to be" to indicate location or place?

11. Which sentence uses the verb "to be" to express existence or presence?

12. Which sentence uses the verb "to be" to describe a state or condition?

13. Which sentence uses the verb "to be" to identify characteristics?

14. Which sentence uses the verb "to be" to link the subject to a complement?

15. Which sentence uses the verb "to be" to indicate location or place?

16. Which sentence uses the verb "to be" to express existence or presence?

17. Which sentence uses the verb "to be" to describe a state or condition?

18. Which sentence uses the verb "to be" to identify characteristics?

19. Which sentence uses the verb "to be" to link the subject to a complement?

20. Which sentence uses the verb "to be" to indicate location or place?

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