Going to

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Going to for plans

1. Elena Rodriguez

  • Background: Elena is a 28-year-old language teacher from Spain, fluent in Spanish, English, and French. She has long, wavy auburn hair and an infectious smile that makes her approachable. Elena is passionate about using travel as a means to learn languages and immerse herself in different cultures. She documents her language learning journey on her blog, where she also offers tips for other language learners.
  • Personality: Elena is intelligent, patient, and has a natural talent for teaching and language acquisition. She’s always going to language exchange meetups or arranging conversations with locals to practice her skills. Her adventurous spirit is guided by her desire to communicate more deeply with people from around the world.

Elena Rodriguez

“Hello! My name is Elena and I am 28 years old. – I am from Spain. I have long, wavy auburn hair and I always smile. – I teach Spanish, English, and French. I travel to learn new languages and to understand different cultures. On my blog, I give tips on how to learn languages. I believe talking with people from different places is the best way to practice languages. I think traveling is not just about seeing new places; it’s also about making new friends and learning new things.”



Answer the questions about Elena 

2. Liam Chen

  • Background: Liam is a 30-year-old travel blogger and photographer from Singapore. He has short, sleek black hair and is known for his stylish travel wardrobe that somehow perfectly balances comfort and fashion. _____ has traveled to over 40 countries, sharing his experiences through captivating stories and stunning photographs. He has a keen eye for detail and a talent for capturing moments that tell a story.
  • Personality: Liam is charismatic, creative, and a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to his work. He loves exploring urban landscapes, street food scenes, and hidden art spaces. _____ is very social and enjoys meeting new people on his travels, often sharing tips and tricks with his followers on how to find the best spots.

Liam Chen

“Hi there! I’m Liam. I’m 30 years old and I’m from Singapore. – I write a blog and take photos of my journeys. I have been to more than 40 countries! * I have short black hair and I like to dress well when I travel. – I share stories and pictures of interesting cities, delicious food, and hidden art spots. I love meeting new people and telling them about great places to see. Traveling is my way of capturing and sharing the beauty of the world.”



Answer the questions about Liam

3. Maya Roberts

  • Background: Maya is a 25-year-old environmental scientist from Canada with a passion for nature and wildlife. She has curly, shoulder-length brown hair, wears glasses, and is always seen with her trusty backpack filled with travel guides and a camera to document her adventures. _____ is adventurous and curious, always eager to learn about different ecosystems and cultural practices related to environmental conservation.
  • Personality: _____ is optimistic, resourceful, and deeply empathetic towards the places she visits and the people she meets. She prefers outdoor adventures and is always planning her next hike, snorkeling trip, or visit to a national park. Her love for the environment influences her travel choices, aiming to leave a positive impact wherever she goes.


Maya Roberts

“Hello! My name is Maya. I am 25 years old and I come from Canada. * I love nature and all animals. I have curly brown hair and I wear glasses. In my backpack, you will find travel books and my camera. – I take pictures of my trips to show how beautiful our planet is. I travel to learn about the environment and how we can protect it. * I like to walk in nature, swim in the ocean, and visit big parks. I want to help the earth while I explore new places.”


Answer the questions about Maya

Writing Activity Instructions: Crafting Your Introduction Paragraph

Objective: Write a self-introduction paragraph similar to the example given. Use the provided questions to guide your responses. The aim is to express who you are, what you do, and what you believe in or enjoy, all in a cohesive paragraph.

Questions to Guide Your Introduction:

  1. What’s your name and age?
    • Start with a greeting and introduce yourself.
    • “Hello! My name is ___ and I am ___ years old.”
  2. Where are you from?
    • Mention your country or city.
    • “I am from ___.”
  3. Describe your appearance or a trait.
    • Share something about your look or personality.
    • “I have ___ hair and I always ___.”
  4. What do you do? (Job, study, or a hobby)
    • Describe your occupation, what you’re studying, or a hobby you’re passionate about.
    • “I ___ (teach/study/work as) ___.”
  5. Why do you travel, study, or practice your hobby?
    • Explain what motivates you or what you gain from this activity.
    • “I travel to ___ / My hobby is ___.”
  6. Do you share your experiences or knowledge somewhere? (Like a blog or social media)
    • If applicable, mention how you share your experiences or insights with others.
    • “On my blog/channel, I ___.”
  7. What’s your belief or philosophy related to your activity or life in general?
    • Share a belief or principle that guides you.
    • “I believe ___.”
  8. What’s your perspective on traveling, your field of study, or your hobby?
    • Reflect on the deeper significance or personal meaning of your interests.
    • “I think ___ is not just about ___; it’s also about ___.”

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