Verb to Be Past vs Present

Negative FORMULA: (how it’s form)

2. Negative Sentences

Formula: Subject + was/were + not + Complement

  • Explanation: This structure negates a statement about the subject in the past. “Was not” can be contracted to “wasn’t,” and “were not” can be contracted to “weren’t.”
  • Examples:
    1. He was not interested.
    2. They were not ready.
    3. The food was not good.
    4. I wasn’t at home.
    5. The windows weren’t open.

Using Contractions with “Was Not” and “Were Not”

Contractions make speech and writing sound more informal and natural. Here’s how you can use them with the past tense of the verb “to be”:

1. “Was not” contraction:

  • Full Form: was not
  • Contraction: wasn’t
  • Examples:
    • She was not happy. → She wasn’t happy.
    • It was not raining. → It wasn’t raining.

2. “Were not” contraction:

  • Full Form: were not
  • Contraction: weren’t
  • Examples:
    • They were not ready. → They weren’t ready.
    • The keys were not on the table. → The keys weren’t on the table.

Examples of Negative Sentences Using Contractions

Here are more examples showcasing how these contractions are typically used in sentences.

Play the audio and listen to each sentence. Repeat each sentence aloud, focusing on the correct usage and pronunciation of the verb ‘to be’. Practice each sentence multiple times for accuracy.

  1. I was not (wasn’t) sure about the answer.
  2. You were not (weren’t) at the meeting yesterday.
  3. He was not (wasn’t) feeling well last night.
  4. She was not (wasn’t) the one who called.
  5. It was not (wasn’t) supposed to end like this.
  6. We were not (weren’t) informed about the changes.
  7. You were not (weren’t) supposed to leave early.
  8. They were not (weren’t) happy with the results.
  9. The machines were not (weren’t) operating correctly.
  10. The doors were not (weren’t) locked before we left.


Unscramble the following sentences to form correct Affirmative Sentences. Write your answers on the lines provided.


Unscramble the following sentences to form correct Affirmative Sentences. Write your answers on the lines provided.

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