Verb to Be Past vs Present

Affirmative FORMULA: (how it’s form)

Proper Nouns as Subjects

A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, or thing and always starts with a capital letter.
Examples include
or “Mount Everest.”
When a proper noun serves as the subject of a sentence, it acts as the doer of the action or the main focus of the statement.

Verb ‘to be’ Agreement

The verb “to be” is unique in English because it changes form depending on the subject of the sentence. This change is necessary to maintain subject-verb agreement, which means the verb must match the subject in number (singular or plural) and sometimes in gender or person. Here are the forms of the verb “to be” in the present and past:

  • Present Tense:
    • Singular: I am, you are, he/she/it is
    • Plural: we are, you are, they are
  • Past Tense:
    • Singular: I was, you were, he/she/it was
    • Plural: we were, you were, they were


  1. London is beautiful. (London is a proper noun used as a singular subject, so “is” is the correct form of the verb “to be.”)
  2. The Smiths are my neighbors. (The Smiths is a proper noun used as a plural subject, so “are” is the correct form.)
  3. Jennifer was late to the meeting. (Jennifer is a singular proper noun, so “was” is used.)
  4. The Rockies are stunning in winter. (The Rockies, referring to the mountain range, is treated as a plural noun, so “are” is used.)

1. Affirmative Sentences

Formula: Subject + was/were + Complement

  • Explanation: This structure is used to declare something about the subject in the past. “Was” is used with singular subjects, and “were” is used with plural subjects and the pronoun “you.”
  • Examples:
    1. She was happy.
    2. They were late.
    3. The book was on the table.
    4. We were students.
    5. It was cold.

Play the audio and listen to each sentence. Repeat each sentence aloud, focusing on the correct usage and pronunciation of the verb ‘to be’. Practice each sentence multiple times for accuracy.

1. Maria excited about her new job offer.

2. John and Lisa at the cinema last night.

3. The Eiffel Tower illuminated beautifully last evening.

4. Mr. Thompson the principal of our school.

5. The Rockies visible from their backyard.

6. London unusually sunny this weekend.

7.  Picasso known for his unique artistic style.

8. Samantha and Jeremy voted best couple at the prom.

9. The Mississippi River calm early this morning.

10. The Titanic considered unsinkable before its maiden voyage



1.She washappy
2.They werelate
3.The bookwason the table

“Listening and Repetition Drill: Focus on the Verb ‘To Be'”

Play the audio and listen to each sentence. Repeat each sentence aloud, focusing on the correct usage and pronunciation of the verb ‘to be’. Practice each sentence multiple times for accuracy.

OrderSubjectVerb To BeComplement
1.Iwasvery tired from working all day.
2.Shewasexcited about going to the new museum exhibit.
3.Theywerelooking forward to meeting their new classmates.
4.Hewasinterested in learning how to play the guitar.
5.Weweredelighted to be hosting the annual gathering.
6.Youweregoing to be the main speaker at the conference.
7.Itwasamazing seeing the stars so clearly in the night sky.
8.The team wasdedicated to improving their overall performance.
9.Iwasplanning on visiting my grandparents next weekend.
10.She wascommitted to finishing her novel by the end of the month.
11.Theywerehoping to start a new fitness regime in the spring.
12.He wassupposed to be arriving by noon but got delayed.
13.Wewerethinking about adopting a new pet from the shelter.
14.Youwereabout to explain the reason when we were interrupted.
15.The Flowerswereblooming beautifully in the garden.
16.She wasconsidering going back to school to get her master’s degree.
17.They werethrilled to be taking part in the local theatre production.
18.Iwasjust about to leave when I received your message.
19.Hewasknown for writing extensive articles on urban development.
20.Wewereplanning on renovating the kitchen to add more space.


Unscramble the following sentences to form correct Affirmative Sentences. Write your answers on the lines provided.


Unscramble the following sentences to form correct Affirmative Sentences. Write your answers on the lines provided.

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