Verb to Be Past vs Present

Listening Comprehension

Discoveries in the Rose’s Chamber

Narrator: Welcome back to Echo Manor’s secrets, dear listener. Today, we join Ella as she delves deeper into the mysteries of the Rose’s Chamber, a hidden room she discovered behind the grand hall’s fireplace. As she explores, Ella uncovers artifacts and diaries that reveal the personal histories of the Ashcroft family.

Ella (thoughtfully): This chamber is incredible. It’s like stepping back in time. Everything here is preserved just as it was centuries ago.

Narrator: On a small table in the center of the chamber, Ella finds a collection of letters bound by a faded red ribbon. She carefully unties the ribbon and begins to read a letter written by Lady Elizabeth Ashcroft herself.

Ella (reading softly): “My dearest Henry, the garden thrives, and it brings me comfort during your long absences. I have taken to spending my mornings in the Rose’s Chamber, where I feel closest to you. It is here that I write to you, surrounded by the blooms of our love.”

Narrator: The letters reveal that Lady Elizabeth used the chamber as her private retreat, where she wrote to Sir Henry during his travels. Each letter is filled with her thoughts and feelings, providing a window into her soul.

Ella (reflectively): Lady Elizabeth loved this place. It wasn’t just a hidden room; it was her sanctuary.

Narrator: As Ella continues to explore, she discovers a small, intricately carved wooden box. Inside, there is a dried rose and a faded photograph of Lady Elizabeth, standing proudly in her garden, a gentle smile on her face.

Ella (excitedly): This must have been her favorite rose. Oh, and this photo—it captures her spirit so perfectly.

Narrator: The back of the photograph has a message written in a delicate script.

Ella (reading the message): “To Henry, may this rose and my image remind you of home. All my love, Elizabeth.”

Narrator: Overwhelmed by the emotion of the moment, Ella feels a profound connection to Lady Elizabeth and the life she led at Echo Manor. She realizes that these personal items are not just artifacts; they are echoes of a love story, preserved in this hidden chamber.

Ella (softly): I feel like I know her now, like I was meant to find these and keep their story alive.

Narrator: As Ella leaves the chamber, she knows that Echo Manor holds even more secrets, waiting to be uncovered. And she is just the person to do it.

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