News Reporter and Witness:

Role Play 1, Celebrating Community Spirit: A Festival Encounter

One student is a reporter interviewing a witness to a fictional event (e.g., a local festival, a minor accident). The witness describes what they saw and experienced, play the audios and practice, check out vocabularylist that follows.

News Reporter: Good afternoon! I’m Sarah from City News. May I ask your name and what brought you to the festival today?

Witness: Hi, Sarah! My name is Jordan. I came to the festival to enjoy the music and the food. It’s my first time attending, and I’ve heard so much about it.

News Reporter: Wonderful, Jordan! Can you describe your first impressions of the festival?

Witness: Absolutely! The atmosphere is electric. There’s music everywhere, and the streets are lined with stalls selling all sorts of delicious food. The colors, the smells, it’s all very vibrant and lively.

News Reporter: That sounds fantastic. Were there any performances or events at the festival that particularly stood out to you?

Witness: Oh, yes. The live band playing local folk music was incredible. They had everyone clapping and dancing. And there was also a firework display that was simply breathtaking.

News Reporter: How do you think events like this festival impact the community?

Witness: I believe they bring people together. It’s a great way for locals and visitors to connect and share experiences. Plus, it showcases the culture and talents of the community, which is always a positive thing.

News Reporter: Lastly, would you recommend attending this festival to others?

Witness: Without a doubt, yes. It’s a wonderful experience for anyone looking to enjoy good music, food, and company. I’m already looking forward to coming back next year!

News Reporter: Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Jordan. Enjoy the rest of the festival!

Witness: Thank you, Sarah! I definitely will.

Vocabulary List 1 for Celebrating Community Spirit: A Festival Encounter


  1. Festival – A celebration or event focusing on a specific theme, often with music and food.
  2. Stall – A booth or stand where goods are displayed for sale.
  3. Performance – A presentation of art by entertainers, such as musicians or dancers.
  4. Atmosphere – The mood or ambiance of a place.
  5. Firework Display – A public exhibition of fireworks.
  6. Band – A group of musicians who play music together.
  7. Witness – A person who sees an event, typically a crime or accident, take place.
  8. Reporter – A person who reports news stories.
  9. Community – A group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.
  10. Culture – The ideas, customs, and social behavior of a particular people or society.


  1. Attend – To go to or be present at an event.
  2. Describe – To give an account in words.
  3. Showcase – To display or present someone’s or something’s best qualities or parts.
  4. Recommend – To suggest something as a good course of action.
  5. Celebrate – To acknowledge a significant or happy day or event with a social gathering or enjoyable activity.
  6. Connect – To establish a relationship or link with someone or something.
  7. Enjoy – To take delight or pleasure in an activity or event.


  1. Vibrant – Full of energy and enthusiasm.
  2. Breathtaking – Astonishing or awe-inspiring in quality.
  3. Electric – Exciting; thrilling.
  4. Lively – Full of life and energy; active and outgoing.
  5. Wonderful – Inspiring delight, pleasure, or admiration; extremely good; marvelous.
  6. Cultural – Relating to the ideas, customs, and social behavior of a society.
  7. Local – Relating to or occurring in a particular area, city, or town.


  1. “First time attending” – Refers to someone’s first experience at an event.
  2. “Bring people together” – To unite people, often for a common purpose or cause.
  3. “Looking forward to” – To be excited about something that is going to happen.
  4. “Live music” – Music performances in real-time, as opposed to recorded music.

Role Play 2

News Reporter: Good evening, I’m Taylor with the City News. Can I ask your name and what you witnessed here today?

Witness: Hi, Taylor. I’m Chris. I saw the whole thing. A car tried to make a sharp turn at the corner and ended up bumping into a street light.

News Reporter: That sounds quite alarming. Can you describe how the accident happened?

Witness: Sure. The driver seemed to be going too fast and lost control when trying to turn. The car skidded for a bit before hitting the street light. Luckily, it didn’t seem like anyone was hurt.

News Reporter: Was there any immediate response from the public or emergency services?

Witness: Yes, several people nearby rushed over to help. And within minutes, the police and an ambulance arrived at the scene. The driver was checked by paramedics but seemed to be okay, just shaken up.

News Reporter: How do you think this incident affects the community’s sense of safety on the roads?

Witness: Well, it’s definitely a wake-up call. It shows that accidents can happen suddenly and that driving safely is crucial. Hopefully, it’ll make people more cautious.

News Reporter: Do you have any messages or thoughts you’d like to share with our viewers about road safety?

Witness: Just to remind everyone to follow speed limits and be mindful of road conditions. Safety should always come first to avoid such accidents.

News Reporter: Thank you for sharing your observations with us, Chris. Take care and stay safe.

Witness: You’re welcome, Taylor. Thanks for spreading the word about road safety.

Vocabulary List for an Accident Scenario


  1. Accident – An unexpected event causing damage or injury.
  2. Witness – Someone who sees an event, typically an accident or crime, take place.
  3. Driver – The person who is operating a vehicle.
  4. Paramedic – A healthcare professional who provides emergency treatment, including ambulance services.
  5. Street Light – A lamp post on the side of the road to illuminate it at night.
  6. Emergency Services – Professional services that ensure public safety and health by responding to emergencies.
  7. Police – The civil force of a national or local government, responsible for the prevention and detection of crime and the maintenance of public order.
  8. Ambulance – A vehicle specially equipped for taking sick or injured people to and from the hospital, especially in emergencies.


  1. Skid – To slide, typically uncontrollably, on a slippery surface.
  2. Bump into – To collide with.
  3. Lose control – To no longer be able to direct or influence an event or vehicle.
  4. Rush over – To quickly move to a place or person.
  5. Check – To examine (someone or something) in order to determine their condition.


  1. Alarming – Worrying or disturbing.
  2. Shaken up – Upset or disturbed.
  3. Mindful – Aware of something that is taking place and giving it proper attention.
  4. Cautious – Careful to avoid potential problems or dangers.


  1. “Wake-up call” – An event that serves as a reminder to take action on a problem.
  2. “Follow speed limits” – To adhere to the maximum speed allowed on a road.
  3. “Driving safely” – Operating a vehicle in a manner that minimizes risks to oneself and others.
  4. “Safety should always come first” – A reminder that being safe is more important than anything else.
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