Can / Can’t

Logo, Infinite English Solutions IES

1 – Can you tell me about a family tradition you always looked forward to?

2. – Do you remember a game you didn’t like when you were a child?

3 – What’s a memorable trip you took with your family in the past?

4 – What was different in your neighborhood when you were a child compared to now?

5 – Who was your best friend in school and what did you like to do together?

6 -What was your favorite subject in school, and why?

7 – Can you remember a school project you were really proud of?

8 – Was there a dish you learned to cook from a family member?

9 – What did you dream of becoming when you were a child?

10 – What were your favorite activities to do on the weekend as a kid?

11 – Did you have any pets growing up? What were they, tell me about them?

Suggested answers:

  1. Answer: “Yes, we always ate dinner together on Sundays. It was fun.”
  2. Answer: “I didn’t like hide and seek. It was scary for me.”
  3. Answer: “We went to my grandma’s house in the countryside. I liked it a lot.”
  4. Answer: “There were more trees and fewer cars. I miss that.”
  5. Answer: “My best friend was Sara. We liked to draw pictures together.”
  6. Answer: “I liked math because it was easy for me to do the problems.”
  7. Answer: “I made a big poster about animals. My teacher said it was good.”
  8. Answer: “My dad showed me how to make pancakes. They were very tasty.”
  9. Answer: “I wanted to be a doctor to help people who are sick.”
  10. Answer: “I liked to play football with my brother. We had a lot of fun.”
  11. Answer: “Yes, we had a cat named Whiskers. She was very soft and liked to purr.”

Logo Call Center Guatemala, job placement and English.
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