The Simple Past Tense

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Simple Past

Use the Simple Past to talk about past actions

Maria used to have a hard time paying her bills. She decided to start her own business because she wanted a better life. She worked very hard and didn’t give up, even when it was tough. Now, she has a successful business that makes a lot of money. She is very happy and proud because her hard work helped her achieve her dream. Her story shows that if you keep trying, you can make big changes in your life.

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Last semester, he made a commitment to improve his academic performance. He dedicated long hours to studying, sacrificing his social life to focus on his education. With persistent effort and seeking help from his teachers when needed, his hard work paid off. He successfully passed all his exams with improved grades, feeling a deep sense of pride and accomplishment. This experience taught him the value of dedication and hard work in achieving his goals, marking a significant period of personal and academic growth.

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Aldo used to live in Italy where he enjoyed the country’s traditions. He loved the food, the festivals, and the way of life there. But then, he moved to the USA. Now, he is retired and spends his time doing things he loves. He has new hobbies and makes new friends. He misses Italy sometimes, but he is happy with his life in the USA. Aldo enjoys the peace and freedom of retirement, exploring new places and experiencing different cultures. His life has changed, but he finds joy in both the past and the present.

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