Talking About Favorite Hobbies

Matching Exercise

Instruction: Read the questions and match them to their answers


  1. What is your favorite hobby, and how did you get started with it?
  2. Are there any hobbies you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t had the chance to yet?
  3. How do you make time for your hobbies in your busy schedule?
  4. Can you share a memorable experience or achievement related to one of your hobbies?
  5. Do you prefer solitary hobbies or ones that involve socializing with others?
  6. Are there any hobbies you enjoy that people might find surprising or unexpected?
  7. Have you ever turned a hobby into a side hustle or career?
  8. Do you have a favorite piece of equipment or gear for your hobby?
  9. Are there any specific goals or projects you’re currently working on within your hobby?
  10. How do your hobbies contribute to your overall well-being and happiness?
  11. If you could spend a day doing any hobby with anyone in the world, who and what would it be?
  12. Are there any hobbies you enjoyed as a child that you still pursue today?
  13. How do you stay motivated and inspired to continue with your hobbies?
  14. Have you ever taken a class or workshop to improve your skills in a particular hobby?
  15. What role do your hobbies play in helping you relax and unwind?


B. Playing the guitar is my favorite hobby; I picked it up in college.
C. Right now, I’m trying to find time for painting, but it’s a bit challenging.
D. I’ve always wanted to try rock climbing, just haven’t had the chance yet.
E. I love gardening; it’s my go-to for relaxation and staying connected with nature.
F. My most memorable hobby-related moment was winning a photography contest.
G. I enjoy both solo and group activities, depending on the mood.
H. Surprisingly, I’m into competitive video gaming—it’s a great stress reliever.
I. My camera is my favorite piece of equipment for photography.
J. Currently working on restoring an old car—it’s a challenging but fun project.
K. Yoga is my hobby, and it contributes a lot to my well-being.
L. I turned my passion for painting into a small online art business.
M. My childhood hobby of building model airplanes turned into a lifelong interest.
N. I take workshops to enhance my cooking skills—it’s a hobby and a practical skill.
O. Fishing with my dad as a child is a memory I cherish, and I still fish today.
P. I find motivation in setting small goals for my writing projects.

Answers: 1B / 2D / 3C / 4F / 5G / 6H / 7L / 8I / 9J / 10K / 110 / 12M / 13P / 14N / 15E

Talking About Favorite Hobbies

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