Talking About Favorite Hobbies


Intro: Sarah and John, two English learners, are having a conversation about their favorite hobbies. In this exchange, they use vocabulary and expressions from their “Passion for Pastimes” vocabulary list to explain why they love what they do and express their enthusiasm for their interests.

Sarah: Hey, John, I heard you have an interesting hobby. What do you like to do in your free time?

John: Yeah, I’m really into photography. It’s something I picked up a few years ago. I enjoy capturing moments, you know? For instance, I love taking pictures of the sunset. It’s amazing to see the colors change in the sky, and it helps me relax.

Sarah: That sounds great! I’ve seen your photos on social media. They’re so beautiful. As for me, I’m into cycling. It’s my way of staying active. I adore exploring new places in my city. When I’m on my bike, I feel like I can go anywhere and discover hidden gems.

John: That’s awesome, Sarah. I’ve seen your cycling routes on your profile. They look adventurous! Reading is another hobby of mine. It’s a way to escape into different worlds, especially when life gets busy. I love getting lost in a good book. Do you read too?

Sarah: Reading isn’t my thing, but I do admire people who can immerse themselves in books. Instead, I’m into hiking. The connection with nature is what I adore. The fresh air and scenic views rejuvenate me. It’s like a break from the city’s hustle and bustle.

John: Hiking sounds like a perfect escape. And dancing, that’s another hobby of mine. It makes me feel alive and free. It’s my way of expressing myself and letting loose on the dance floor.

Talking About Favorite Hobbies

Sarah: Dancing? That’s fantastic. I’m all thumbs when it comes to dancing, but I love playing board games. They’re a great way to bond with friends and challenge our minds. Plus, I collect stamps as a hobby. It’s fascinating to explore history through those tiny pieces of art.

John: Wow, playing board games and collecting stamps? That’s quite unique, Sarah. I’ve always wanted to try my hand at cooking. It seems like a fun way to experiment with flavors and create delicious meals. Is it as enjoyable as it looks?

Sarah: Definitely, John. Cooking is not only enjoyable but also a creative outlet. It allows me to experiment and share wonderful meals with loved ones. You should give it a try sometime.

John: I just might! By the way, have you ever tried playing a musical instrument? I play the guitar, and it’s a passion of mine. The music I create helps me convey my emotions.

Sarah: I’ve always admired musicians, but I’m not musically inclined. However, I love knitting. It’s my way of unwinding after a long day. I’ve even gifted handmade scarves to friends. It’s my little way of spreading warmth and love.

John: That’s lovely, Sarah. Our hobbies say a lot about who we are. They bring us joy and help us express ourselves. It’s great to know more about what you enjoy.

Talking About Favorite Hobbies

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