The Simple Past Tense


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Irregular Verbs

Irregular verbs, on the other hand, do not follow a consistent pattern when forming the past tense. They have unique forms for the past tense that do not end in “-ed.” These past tense forms need to be learned individually because they do not conform to regular rules.


OrderPresentPastSample Sentence
1.BeWas/WereI was at the beach all day yesterday.
2.BecomeBecameShe became a teacher after five years of study.
3.BeginBeganWe began our hike early in the morning to avoid the heat.
4.BreakBrokeHe broke his glasses during the soccer game.
5.BringBroughtThey brought homemade cookies to the party.
6.BuildBuiltMy grandfather built this house in the 1950s.
7.BuyBoughtLast week, I bought a new laptop for work.
8ChooseChoseFor her birthday, she chose a chocolate cake.
9.ComeCameEveryone came to the meeting on time.
10.CutCutHe cut his finger while cooking dinner.


Order PresentPastSample Sentence
1.DoDidDid you do your homework yesterday?
2.DrinkDrankWe drank iced tea on the porch in the evening.
3.DriveDroveShe drove to the coast for the weekend.
4.EatAteThey ate sushi for dinner last night.
5.FallFellHe fell off the ladder but wasn’t hurt.
6.FeelFeltI felt very happy after hearing the good news.
7.FindFoundThey found a lost kitten in their garage.
8.FlyFlewWe flew to Paris for our vacation last summer.
9.ForgetForgotI forgot to bring my phone with me.
10.GetGotShe got a beautiful gift from her friend.


OrderPresentPastSample Sentence
1.GiveGaveHe gave a stunning performance at the concert.
2.GoWentLast weekend, we went to the museum.
3.GrowGrewThe children grew so much over the summer.
4.HaveHadWe had a great time at the beach yesterday.
5.Hear HeardI heard a strange noise outside last night.
6.KeepKeptShe kept all the letters in a special box.
7.KnowKnewThey knew the answer to the question immediately.
8.LeaveLeft He left his keys on the table.
9.LetLet They let us borrow their car for the weekend.
10.LoseLost I lost my wallet on the way home.


OrderPresentPastSample Sentence
1.Make MadeWe made pancakes for breakfast on Sunday.
2.MeetMetI met some old friends for coffee yesterday.
3.PayPaidShe paid the bill and left the restaurant.
4.PutPutHe put the book back on the shelf after reading it.
5.ReadRead (red)Last night, I read the first chapter of a new book.
6.RideRodeThey rode their bikes through the park.
7.RunRanThis morning, I ran around the lake.
8.SaySaidShe said she would call me later.
9.SeeSawWe saw a shooting star last night.
10.SellSoldThey sold their old car and bought a new one.

Go here for more Practice on Irregular Verbs

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