The Simple Past Tense


Listening Comprehension

A day at the park / A picnic

Vocabulary 1

Please study this vocabulary, it will be used in the listening below

Peaceful – calm, quiet, and free from disturbance

  • Sarah enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere of the park, with only the gentle rustling of leaves and chirping of birds.

Admire – to regard with respect, pleasure, or approval

  • Sarah stopped to admire the colorful blooms in the flower garden, appreciating their beauty and delicate petals.

Atmosphere – the mood or feeling of a place or situation

  • Sarah soaked in the pleasant atmosphere of the park, filled with joy, relaxation, and positive energy.

Enjoyable – providing pleasure or satisfaction

  • Sarah felt grateful for the enjoyable day she had at the park, filled with good food, nature, and pleasant experiences.

Grateful – feeling or showing appreciation and thankfulness

  • Sarah headed home feeling tired but grateful for the wonderful time she had at the park, cherishing the memories created.

Rays – narrow beams of light that emanate from a source

  • The sunny Saturday morning filled the park with warm rays of sunlight, casting a golden glow on everything.

Pack – to put things into a container or bag for transportation or storage

  • Sarah packed a picnic basket with delicious sandwiches, fruits, and drinks before heading to the park.

Pond – a small body of still water, often found in parks or gardens

  • Sarah watched the ducks swimming in the tranquil pond, their graceful movements creating ripples on the water’s surface.

Stroll – to walk in a relaxed manner

  • After finishing her meal, Sarah took a stroll around the park, enjoying the sights and sounds around her.

Belongings – personal items or possessions

  • As the late afternoon approached, Sarah packed up her belongings, including the blanket and picnic basket, and headed home.

Listening Comprehension

Listen to the audio and answer the questions:

“A Serene Day at the Park”

Join Sarah on a sunny Saturday morning as she embarks on a delightful outing to the park. In this peaceful setting, she unpacks her picnic basket and indulges in a delicious meal while observing the joyful activities of children, dog walkers, and picnickers around her. As the day unfolds, Sarah explores the park, encountering a spirited soccer game and a breathtaking flower garden. With a sense of contentment, she concludes her park adventure, cherishing the tranquil memories and appreciating the simple joys of nature.

(script) Sarah:
It was a sunny Saturday morning, and Sarah decided to go to the park. She packed a picnic basket with sandwiches, fruits, and drinks. As she walked through the park, she saw children playing on the swings, people walking their dogs, and families having picnics.

Sarah found a nice spot under a big tree and spread out a blanket. She sat down and enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere. She ate her sandwich and watched the ducks swimming in the nearby pond.

After finishing her meal, Sarah took a walk around the park. She saw a group of friends playing soccer, and she smiled at their enthusiasm. As she strolled further, she noticed a beautiful flower garden and stopped to admire the colorful blooms.

Time passed quickly, and soon it was late afternoon. Sarah felt tired but content. She packed up her belongings and headed home, feeling grateful for the enjoyable day at the park.

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