The Simple Past Tense


Conversational Chunks:

Instructions: listen to the audios and interact with them

Did you watch the movie last night? (Avengers end game, Joker, Parasite)
What movie did you watch last night? (watched) T

Did you finish your homework yesterday? (at 8pm, late at night, at midnight)
What time did you finish? (finished) T

Did they finish their homework before dinner? (math, English, science)
What homework did they finish? (finished) T

Did he play sports after school? (soccer, basketball, baseball)
What sport did he play after school? (played) d

Did you go on a vacation last summer? (Paris, Madrid, Guatemala)
Where did you go? went to

Did she read that book for her book club? (Harry Potter, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Great Gatsby)
Which book did she read? (read = red)

Did they eat dinner at the new restaurant downtown? (at Noma, at Osteria Francescana)
Which restaurant did they eat dinner at? (ate = 8)

Did he study for the test yesterday? (math, English, science)
What subject did he study for the test? (studied) d

Did you meet your friends at the party? (John, Joe, Larry)
Who did you meet there? (met)

Did she buy a new car last month? (Sedan, SUV, Sports Car)
What type of car did she buy? (bought)

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