Past Progressive (When and While)

Write a small story!

Make four sentences and then make a story follow the example.

  1. I was cooking dinner
  2. My mother was watching TV
  3. My sister was helping
  4. It was my mother’s birthday

Example Conversation
Yesterday in the evening was my mother’s birthday, while my mother was watching TV, I was cooking a delicious chicken soup. My sister was helping to cook the soup. We were very happy.

Story 1:
Yesterday, I was playing soccer with my friends at the park. While I was kicking the ball, my friend was running towards the goal. It was a lot of fun!

Story 2:
Once upon a time, I was walking in the forest. As I was walking, I saw a squirrel climbing up a tree. It was gathering nuts for the winter. Meanwhile, the birds were singing happily in the trees.

Story 3:
Last week, I was studying for my English test. While I was reading my textbook, my sister was listening to music in the next room. It was a bit distracting, but I managed to concentrate and do well on my test.

Story 4:
In my dream last night, I was flying in the sky. I was soaring above the clouds, feeling the wind in my face. As I was flying, I saw birds flying alongside me. It was an incredible experience!

Story 5:
Yesterday evening, I was helping my mom in the kitchen. While I was chopping vegetables, my dad was setting the table. We were preparing a delicious dinner together. It smelled amazing!

End of page 10

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