Past Progressive (When and While) READING COMPREHENSION
Reading Comprehension and vocabulary Exercises
Vocabulary List 1:
- Blanket – Manta
- Dark clouds – Nubes oscuras
- Suddenly – De repente
- Shelter – Refugio
- Stranger – Desconocido
- Adventure – Aventura
- Enjoying – Disfrutando
- Appear – Aparecer
- Went – Fue (pasado de ir)
- Quickly – Rápidamente
- Unexpected – Inesperado
- Laugh – Reír
- _____ Happening quickly and unexpectedly.
- _____ An exciting and unusual experience.
- _____ A place that provides protection from weather or danger.
- _____ A person you do not know.
- _____ Getting pleasure from something.
- _____ Past tense of ‘go’; moved from one place to another.
- _____ To make sounds expressing amusement, happiness, or joy.
- _____ A large piece of cloth used for warmth.
- _____ At a fast speed; rapidly.
- _____ Not anticipated or predicted.
- _____ To start to be seen; come into view.
- _____ Thick, grey clouds that often mean rain is coming.
- Blanket – 8
- Dark clouds – 12
- Suddenly – 1
- Shelter – 3
- Stranger – 4
- Adventure – 2
- Enjoying – 5
- Appear – 11
- Went – 6
- Quickly – 9
- Unexpected – 10
- Laugh – 7
Passage 1: The Unexpected Rain

Yesterday, we were planning to have a picnic in the park. The sky was clear and the sun was shining when we went to the park. As we were setting up the blanket and food, dark clouds started to appear. Suddenly, it began to rain heavily. We were packing our things quickly to leave when a kind stranger offered us shelter under a large tree. While we were waiting for the rain to stop, we talked and laughed, enjoying the unexpected adventure.
- What were the author and their family doing yesterday?
- What were they doing when the dark clouds appeared?
- How were they feeling while waiting for the rain to stop under the tree?
Answers for paragraph 1
- What were the author and their family doing when they went to the park?
- Answer: The author and their family were planning to have a picnic in the park when they left home.
- What were they doing when the dark clouds started to appear?
- Answer: They were setting up the blanket and food when the dark clouds started to appear.
- How were they feeling while waiting for the rain to stop under the tree?
- Answer: While waiting for the rain to stop under the tree, they were talking and laughing, enjoying the unexpected adventure, which suggests they were feeling good or enjoying themselves despite the change in plans.
Vocabulary list 2:
- Spending – Pasando
- Space adventures – Aventuras espaciales
- Colder – Más frío
- Hushed voices – Voces calladas
- Peaceful – Pacífico
- Flickered – Parpadeó
- _____ Exciting and often risky experiences in outer space or relating to space travel and exploration.
- _____ The act of using time in doing something.
- _____ Shining intermittently.
- _____ Calm and tranquil.
- _____ Quiet or soft voices.
- _____ Having a lower temperature.
- Spending (Pasando) – The act of using time in doing something.
- Space adventures (Aventuras espaciales) – Exciting and often risky experiences in outer space or relating to space travel and exploration.
- Colder (Más frío) – Having a lower temperature, especially when compared to the temperature of the surrounding environment or what is considered normal.
- Hushed voices (Voces calladas) – Quiet or soft voices, often indicating that people are trying to keep something secret or not disturb others.
- Peaceful (Pacífico) – Free from disturbance; calm and tranquil.
- Flickered (Parpadeó) – Shined unsteadily or intermittently; blinked on and off rapidly.
Passage 2: Evening at the Library

Last Wednesday, I was spending my evening at the local library. The library was quiet, and everyone was concentrating on their books or computers. I was sitting at my favorite spot by the window, reading a novel about space adventures. Outside, people were walking quickly as the night was getting colder. At one point, a group of students came in and they were discussing their project in hushed voices. I was enjoying the peaceful atmosphere when suddenly the lights flickered. Everyone was looking up from their books, surprised. The lights were flickering for a few seconds before returning to normal, and then everyone went back to what they were doing.
Questions for Passage 2:
- What was the author doing last Wednesday evening?
- What were people doing outside the library?
- How were the students behaving when they came into the library?
- How was the author feeling about the atmosphere in the library before the lights flickered?
- What was the author doing last Wednesday evening?
- The author was spending his evening at the local library, sitting at his favorite spot by the window and reading a novel about space adventures.
- What were people doing outside the library?
- Outside the library, people were walking quickly as the night was getting colder.
- How were the students behaving when they came into the library?
- When the students came into the library, they were discussing their project in hushed voices.
- How was the author feeling about the atmosphere in the library before the lights flickered?
- The author was enjoying the peaceful atmosphere in the library before the lights flickered.
Vocabulary List:
- Planting – Plantando
- Digging – Cavando
- Hole – Agujero
- Watering – Regando
- Shining Brightly – Brillando intensamente
- Chirping – Gorjeando
- Background – Fondo
- Noticed – Notado / Darse cuenta
- All around – Alrededor
- Searching – Buscando
- Turned out – Resultó
- Blown away – Soplado lejos
- Laughing – Riendo
- Hanging – Colgando
- Tree branch – Rama de árbol
- _____ Emitting light or glowing brightly.
- _____ Pouring water on plants to help them grow.
- _____ Creating a cavity or space in the ground.
- _____ Placing seeds or plants in the ground to grow.
- _____ The act of looking for something or someone carefully.
- _____ The part of a plant that extends from the trunk and usually contains leaves.
- _____ The sounds that birds typically make, often melodious and light.
- _____ When something turns out to be the case or the final result of a situation.
- _____ The area or scenery behind the main object or focus.
- _____ The act of making sounds that express happiness or amusement.
- _____ When an object is suspended or fixed in a position above the ground.
- _____ Carried off or taken away by the wind.
- _____ Noticing or observing something.
- _____ In every direction or covering the entire area.
- _____ A cavity or space in the ground.
- Planting (Plantando) – Placing seeds or plants in the ground to grow.
- Digging (Cavando) – Creating a hole in the ground.
- Hole (Agujero) – A cavity or space in the ground.
- Watering (Regando) – Pouring water on plants to help them grow.
- Shining Brightly (Brillando intensamente) – Emitting light or glowing brightly.
- Chirping (Gorjeando) – The sounds that birds typically make, often melodious and light.
- Background (Fondo) – The area or scenery behind the main object or focus.
- Noticed (Notado) – Observing or becoming aware of something.
- All around (Alrededor) – In every direction or covering the entire area.
- Searching (Buscando) – Looking for something or someone carefully.
- Turned out (Resultó) – When something turns out to be the case or the final result of a situation.
- Blown away (Soplado lejos) – Carried off or taken away by the wind.
- Laughing (Riendo) – Making sounds that express happiness or amusement.
- Hanging (Colgando) – Suspended or fixed in a position above the ground.
- Tree branch (Rama de árbol) – A part of a plant that extends from the trunk and usually contains leaves.
Passage 3: The Garden Project

Last month, my classmates and I were working on a garden project at school. We were planting various flowers and vegetables. While I was digging a hole for the tomato plants, my friend Sarah was watering the roses. The sun was shining brightly, and birds were chirping in the background. Suddenly, we noticed that our teacher, Mr. Thompson, was looking for something. He was searching all around the garden. It turned out he was looking for his hat which had blown away. We all started laughing when we found it hanging on a tree branch. Working on the garden project was not only educational but also a lot of fun.
- What were the students doing as part of the garden project at school?
- What specific task was the narrator doing in the garden?
- What was Sarah doing while the narrator was digging a hole?
- How was the weather described while they were working in the garden?
- Why was Mr. Thompson searching around the garden?
- What was the group’s reaction when they found Mr. Thompson’s hat?
- What were the students doing as part of the garden project at school?
- Answer: The students were planting various flowers and vegetables.
- What specific task was the narrator doing in the garden?
- Answer: The narrator was digging a hole for the tomato plants.
- What was Sarah doing while the narrator was digging a hole?
- Answer: Sarah was watering the roses.
- How was the weather described while they were working in the garden?
- Answer: The sun was shining brightly, and birds were chirping in the background.
- Why was Mr. Thompson searching around the garden?
- Answer: Mr. Thompson was searching for his hat which had blown away.
- What was the group’s reaction when they found Mr. Thompson’s hat?
- Answer: The group started laughing when they found Mr. Thompson’s hat.
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