Passive Voice & Causative

Paragraph 3

Earth Under Pressure!

Exploring the Passive Voice in Environmental Disasters

If the environmental warnings had been taken seriously, many of the current ecological disasters could have been avoided. Entire forests have been burned, rivers polluted, and animal habitats destroyed, all because regulations were not strictly enforced. It is often argued that the responsibility lies with governments, yet it cannot be denied that individuals must also take accountability. Recently, a groundbreaking initiative was proposed to reverse some of the damage, but its success will depend on whether sufficient resources are allocated. The Earth is being pushed to its limits, and it remains to be seen whether enough can be done to save it.

Paragraph 3: Comprehension Questions

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the paragraph carefully. Choose the best answer for each question based on the information in the text. Focus on how events are described and what happened.

1. What could have been avoided if the warnings had been taken seriously?

2. How are forests, rivers, and animal habitats described as being affected?

3. What is often argued about the responsibility for environmental disasters?

4. What was proposed to reverse the damage, and what is it dependent on?

5. How is the Earth said to be affected by current actions?

Paragraph 3 Breakdown

Key Passive Structures:

  1. “If the environmental warnings had been taken seriously, many of the current ecological disasters could have been avoided.”
    • Type: Conditional modal passive (had been taken seriously; could have been avoided)
    • Why passive? Shifts focus to the warnings and consequences, rather than assigning blame.
  2. “Entire forests have been burned, rivers polluted, and animal habitats destroyed.”
    • Type: Present perfect passive (have been burned/polluted/destroyed)
    • Why passive? Emphasizes the results of environmental damage over the agents.
  3. “It is often argued that the responsibility lies with governments.”
    • Type: Passive reporting (is often argued)
    • Why passive? Neutralizes the statement to sound factual and avoid specifying who argues.
  4. “A groundbreaking initiative was proposed to reverse some of the damage.”
    • Type: Simple past passive (was proposed)
    • Why passive? Highlights the initiative rather than focusing on who proposed it.
  5. “The Earth is being pushed to its limits.”
    • Type: Present progressive passive (is being pushed)
    • Why passive? Emphasizes the ongoing negative impact on the Earth.
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