Our Weekend Getaway


“Travel Discussion”

Instructions: In this activity, you will engage in a discussion about travel preferences and experiences using the vocabulary words provided. Each participant will take turns answering the questions and using the vocabulary words in their responses. Feel free to share your own travel stories and preferences during the conversation. This exercise will help you practice using the vocabulary in context and improve your speaking skills. Enjoy the conversation!

Welcome to Our Weekend Getaway

Talking about our weekend getaway, two women sitting and talking.

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1. What kind of getaway do you prefer: a beach vacation or a mountain retreat? why?

I tend to prefer a beach vacation over a mountain retreat because…

2. Have you ever stayed in a cabin in the woods? What was it like?

Yes, I’ve stayed in a cabin in the woods, and it was quite…

3. Where is your dream travel destination? What do you particularly like about this place?

My dream travel destination is definitely

4. Do you enjoy hiking in nature? What are some of your favorite hiking places?

Hiking in nature is something I really enjoy, and some of my favorite hiking places include…

5. When you travel, what factors do you consider when choosing your accommodation?

When choosing my accommodation during travel, I consider factors like

6. What activities do you typically enjoy during your vacations or weekends?

During my vacations or weekends, I typically enjoy activities such as…

7. Have you ever been boating? What type of boating experience have you had?

I’ve had a boating experience, and it was…

8. Do you have a favorite café that you frequent for relaxation?

I do have a favorite cafe that I frequent for relaxation. It’s…

9. What makes a place feel cozy and comfortable to you?

A place feels cozy and comfortable to me when..

10. Could you share an adventure you had while traveling that left a good impression on you?

One adventure that left a good impression on me while traveling was…

Welcome to Our Weekend Getaway

Reading Comprehension EXERCISE:

Getaway Preferences – Reading Comprehension

Instructions: Read the following text carefully and answer the questions.


Hello everyone, today we’re going to explore the world of getaways and discover the diverse tastes of travelers. Some of us find comfort in the mountains, surrounded by the boundaries of nature and the crisp mountain air. For those who seek tranquility, a mountain retreat is the ultimate escape.


But what about those attracted to the rhythmic sound of ocean waves? Beach lovers revel in the soft sands, lounging in the sun’s warm embrace. The beach offers an opportunity for relaxation and endless seaside activities.


And then there are the adventurers, the hikers who yearn for the excitement of conquering peaks and exploring scenic trails. Hiking provides a sense of achievement and an up-close connection with nature.

Welcome to Our Weekend Getaway


As you plan your getaway, consider your preferences. Are you the kind of person who finds peace in the cozy vibrant atmosphere of a cabin in the woods, or do you prefer the charming ambiance of a café by the beach? Each destination has its unique charm, providing to various tastes.


Whatever your choice, always remember that a getaway is about adventure and making cherished memories. Whether you seek the comfort of the mountains, the charm of the beach, or the excitement of hiking, there’s a perfect escape waiting for you.

Welcome to Our Weekend Getaway

Beach Escape, one option for our weekend getaway, a family husband, wife, and 2 daughters are taking a walk on the beach.

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Instructions: Match each paragraph to the best subtitle.

  1. The Thrill of Hiking Adventures: This subtitle is matched with the _____ paragraph because it talks about adventurers and hikers who seek excitement through conquering peaks and exploring scenic trails. It underscores the thrilling nature of hiking experiences.
  2. The Tranquility of Mountain Retreats: This subtitle is matched with the _____ paragraph because it describes how some travelers find comfort in mountain retreats, surrounded by the boundaries of nature and the crisp mountain air. It emphasizes the tranquility and serenity associated with this type of getaway.
  3. Embracing the Getaway Spirit: This subtitle is matched with the _____ paragraph because it encourages readers to remember that getaways are about adventure and making cherished memories. It encompasses the idea that no matter the destination chosen, the spirit of adventure is what truly matters.
  4. The Allure of Beach Destinations: This subtitle is matched with the _____ paragraph because it highlights the allure of beach destinations, mentioning the rhythmic sound of ocean waves, relaxation in soft sands, and endless seaside activities. It emphasizes the attractions of beach getaways.
  5. Considering Your Preferences: This subtitle is matched with the _____ paragraph because it advises readers to consider their preferences when planning a getaway. It touches on various preferences like a cozy cabin in the woods or a café by the beach and how each destination caters to different tastes.

answers 3. 1. 5. 2. 4.

Getaway Preferences – Reading Comprehension

  1. 1. Read the provided monologue about different types of getaways.
  2. 2. Answer the following questions based on your understanding of the text.
  3. 3. Choose the best answer from the multiple-choice options (A, B, C, or D) for each question.
  4. 4. Review your answers before submitting to ensure accuracy.
  5. 5. Enjoy exploring your preferred getaway destination!

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