Our Weekend Getaway

Our Weekend Getaway

Description: In Our Weekend Getaway, two friends, Sarah and Chris, discuss their weekend getaway plans. They explore potential destinations, outdoor activities, and accommodation options. After this conversation, students will be able to hold extended conversations about travel, make plans, express preferences, and understand standard travel-related input.

In pairs or in class, discuss the following:

  • What are some potential destinations for a perfect getaway?
  • What outdoor activities do you enjoy doing during a getaway?
  • What factors do you consider when choosing accommodation for a getaway?
Cabin in the mountains, surrounded by trees. One option for our weekend getaway.


Eager Sarah: Hey, Chris! I was thinking about our weekend. How about a little getaway?

Excited Chris: That’s a great idea, Sarah! Where do you have in mind?

Thoughtful Sarah: I thought about renting a cabin in the mountains. We can go hiking and enjoy the fresh air.

Agreeing Chris: Sounds awesome! I love nature. Do you have a specific location in mind?

Adventurous Sarah: Well, I was thinking of Lakeview. It’s not too far, and they have lovely cabins there.

Interested Chris: Perfect! And what about the activities? Are there any interesting ones nearby?

Pensive Sarah: Yes, there’s a beautiful trail around the lake, and we can go boating. Oh, and they have a cozy little cafe!

Researching Chris: That sounds wonderful. How about accommodation? Have you found any good deals?

Encouraged Sarah: I’ve checked online, and there are a few cabins available. I’ll book one with a nice view.

Smiling Chris: Great! I’m excited about our weekend adventure.

Excited Sarah: Me too, Chris! It’s going to be a fantastic getaway.

Answer the following questions about the conversation

  • What is the destinations for their perfect getaway?
  • What outdoor activities can they do during their getaway?
  • What factors do they consider when they chose accommodation for their getaway?


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