Ordering a Pizza Delivery

Reading Comprehension Exercises

Reading Comprehension: Ordering a Pizza

Instructions: Read the following short passage about ordering a pizza and answer the questions that follow:

Ordering a pizza is easy and convenient. You can call the pizza shop or go online to place your order. You’ll need to choose the type of pizza you want and provide your delivery address. Many pizza places also offer special deals and discounts. Once you place your order, you can expect a friendly delivery person to arrive at your door with your delicious pizza.


  1. How do they describe ordering a pizza in the passage?
  2. How can you place an order for pizza?
  3. What information do you need to provide when ordering pizza?
  4. What additional benefits do some pizza places offer?
  5. Who delivers the pizza to your door?

They describe it as easy and convenient. 2. You can call the pizza shop or go online to place your order. 3. You need to choose the type of pizza you want and provide your delivery address. 4. Some pizza places offer special deals and discounts. 5. A friendly delivery person delivers the pizza to your door.

Reading Comprehension: Making a Pizza

Instructions: Read the following short passage about making a pizza and answer the questions that follow:

Making a pizza is a fun and tasty activity. You start with a pizza crust, which can be round or square. Next, you spread tomato sauce over the crust. You can add your favorite toppings, like cheese, pepperoni, vegetables, or even pineapple. After that, you bake the pizza in the oven until the cheese is melted and the crust is crispy. Finally, you cut it into slices and enjoy your homemade pizza.


  1. How do they describe making a pizza?
  2. What is the first step in making a pizza?
  3. What comes after spreading tomato sauce on the crust?
  4. What are some examples of pizza toppings that they mention?
  5. What do you do after adding the toppings to the pizza?

They describe it as a fun and tasty activity. 2. The first step is starting with a pizza crust, which can be round or square. 3. After spreading tomato sauce, you can add your favorite toppings. 4. They mentioned cheese, pepperoni, vegetables, and pineapple. 5. After adding the toppings, you bake the pizza in the oven.

Reading Comprehension: Pizza Delivery

Instructions: Read the following short passage about pizza delivery and answer the questions that follow:

Pizza delivery is a convenient way to enjoy your favorite pizza without leaving your home. When you order a pizza for delivery, you call the pizza shop, choose the type of pizza you want, and provide your address. The pizza is then made by the restaurant’s cooks and placed in a special box to keep it hot. A friendly delivery person brings the pizza to your door, and you can enjoy it in the comfort of your home.


  1. What is pizza delivery?
  2. How do you order a pizza for delivery?
  3. Who makes the pizza for delivery?
  4. How do they keep the pizza hot during delivery?
  5. Who brings the pizza to your door?

Pizza delivery is a convenient way to get pizza without going to the pizza shop. 2. You call the pizza shop, choose your pizza, and give your address. 3. The restaurant’s cooks make the pizza. 4. They place the pizza in a special box to keep it hot. 5. A friendly delivery person brings the pizza to your door.


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