Ordering Food at a Restaurant

Conversation 3: Ordering Food at a Restaurant


  • Sarah (S)
  • Waiter (W)
Woman ordering food at the restaurant


Sarah is at a restaurant and wants to order food.


Sarah: (Smiling) Hi! I’d like to order some food, please.

Waiter: (Friendly) Hello! Of course, what would you like to order?

S: (Simple) I’d like a hamburger, please.

W: (Confirming) A hamburger, sure. Anything to drink?

S: (Basic) Yes, I’d like a cola, please.

W: (Noting) One hamburger and a cola. Is that all?

S: (Confirming) Yes, that’s all, thank you.

W: (Friendly) Great, I’ll bring it to you shortly.

End of Conversation!

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