Meeting a New Teacher

Conversation 10: Meeting a New Teacher

Student (S): Hello! My name is Sarah. What’s your name?

Teacher (T): Hi, Sarah! I’m Mr. Johnson. Nice to meet you.

S: Nice to meet you too, Mr. Johnson! Where are you from?

T: I’m from Canada. How about you?

S: I’m from Brazil. It’s cool to have a teacher from Canada!

T: Thank you, Sarah!

S: How are you today, Mr. Johnson?

T: I’m good, thank you. And you?

S: I’m good too. Thanks for asking.

T: You’re welcome!

S: What do you teach, Mr. Johnson?

T: I teach English. I’m your English teacher.

S: That’s great! I like learning English.

T: I’m glad to hear that, Sarah.

S: Well, Mr. Johnson, it was nice meeting you.

T: It was nice meeting you too, Sarah. I look forward to our lessons.

S: Me too! Goodbye, Mr. Johnson.

T: Goodbye, Sarah. See you in class!

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