Meeting a New Friend

Conversational Practice

Getting to Know Each Other.

En esta conversación, tendrás la oportunidad de practicar la presentación personal y conocer a alguien nuevo. Discutirás tus gustos, disgustos y preferencias, manteniendo la conversación en un nivel de inglés A1. Este ejercicio te ayudará a sentirte más cómodo con interacciones conversacionales simples y naturales.

Student 1 (S1): Hi, I’m Sarah. What’s your name?

Student 2 (S2): Hello, Sarah. I’m Alex.

S1: Nice to meet you, Alex. Where are you from?

S2: I’m from California.

S1: That’s cool. I’m from New York. Do you like it here?

S2: Yeah, it’s nice. I like the weather. But I’m not a fan of the traffic.

S1: I understand. Traffic can be frustrating. I dislike it too. What do you like to do for fun?

S2: I enjoy playing the guitar. and watching TV, I’m not into watching sports, though.

S1: That’s interesting. I’m not good at playing the guitar, but I enjoy watching tv as well and listening to music. How about you?

S2: I’m not a big fan of it. It’s not really my thing.

S1: That’s alright. Everyone has their own interests. Do you have any favorite outdoor activities?

S2: I love going for long walks. I dislike being indoors for too long.

Sharing Hobbies And Interests

En esta conversación, explorarás los pasatiempos y los intereses de dos personas al conocerse. Discutirás sus gustos y disgustos, así como sus preferencias personales, todo manteniendo el nivel de inglés en A1. Este ejercicio te permitirá familiarizarte con interacciones conversacionales sencillas y aprender más sobre los intereses de las personas

Student 1 (S1): Hi, I’m Sarah. What’s your name?

Student 2 (S2): Hello, Sarah. I’m Alex.

S1: Nice to meet you, Alex. Do you have any hobbies?

S2: Yes, I like playing video games. It’s a lot of fun.

S1: That’s cool. I enjoy reading books. What kind of games do you like?

S2: I like action and adventure games. They’re exciting.

S1: Nice! I’m not a fan of video games, though. I prefer going hiking.

S2: Hiking sounds fun, but it’s not really my thing. I prefer staying indoors.

S1: That’s okay; we all have different interests. Do you like any other hobbies?

S2: I like painting. It’s relaxing. How about you?

S1: I’m not into painting, but I do like listening to music. It’s enjoyable.

Food Preferences and Tastes.

En esta conversación, explorarás las preferencias de comida y los gustos de dos personas mientras se conocen. Discutirás lo que les gusta, lo que no les gusta y sus preferencias personales en cuanto a alimentos, todo manteniendo un nivel de inglés en A1. Este ejercicio te permitirá comprender las preferencias alimenticias de las personas y cómo difieren.

Student 1 (S1): Hi, I’m Sarah. What’s your name?

Student 2 (S2): Hello, Sarah. I’m Alex.

S1: Nice to meet you, Alex. Do you have a favorite food?

S2: Yes, I love pizza. It’s so delicious.

S1: That’s great! I’m not a big fan of pizza, though. I prefer sushi.

S2: Sushi is good, but it’s not my favorite. I like burgers.

S1: Burgers are okay, but I dislike them. I prefer salads and healthy food.

S2: Salads are not my thing. I also enjoy pasta with a rich sauce.

S1: Pasta is good, but I’m not a fan of heavy sauces. I like it simple.

S2: It’s interesting how we have different tastes. I also prefer chocolate ice cream.

S1: I’m not a fan of chocolate, but I love vanilla. We really have different preferences.

Meeting a New Friend

Listening Comprehension Quiz Instructions:

  1. Listen to the audio question.
  2. Read the answer choices.
  3. Choose the correct answer by marking it.
  4. Proceed to the next question and repeat the process.
  5. You can’t replay or change your answers.

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