Meeting a New Friend 3

  • Introducing oneself and asking basic questions to get to know a new acquaintance.

Meeting a New Friend

A: Hi! My name is Alex. What’s your name?

B: Hello, Alex! I’m Maria.

A: Nice to meet you, Maria! Where are you from?

B: I’m from Spain. And you?

A: I’m from the United States. Nice to meet someone from Spain!

B: Nice to meet you too, Alex!

A: How are you today, Maria?

B: I’m good, thank you. And you?

A: I’m good as well. Thanks for asking.

B: You’re welcome!

A: So, Maria, what do you do?

B: I’m a student. And you?

A: I work in an office. It’s nice to meet a fellow student!

B: Yes, it’s nice to meet you too, Alex!

A: Well, Maria, it was great meeting you.

B: It was great meeting you too, Alex. Goodbye!

A: Goodbye, Maria!

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