Meeting a New Friend 2

Conversation 2: Meeting a New Friend 2

Characters: Meeting a New Friend 2

  • Alex (A)
  • Sarah (S)


Sarah and Alex meet at a local park.

Meeting a friend at the park talking about likes dislikes and preferences
Meeting a friend at the park talking about likes dislikes and preferences


Sarah: (Friendly) Hi! I’m Sarah. What’s your name?

Alex: (Nervous) Hello, Sarah. I’m Alex.

S: (Welcoming) Nice to meet you, Alex. Where are you from?

A: (Simple) I’m from Brazil. How about you?

S: (Answering) I’m from Canada. Are you here on vacation?

A: (Confirming) Yes, I am. I visit a friend.

S: (Curious) That’s great! What do you like to do for fun?

A: (Basic) I like music and soccer. You?

S: (Sharing) I enjoy reading and walking in the park. Want to walk together?

A: (Friendly) Sure, I’d like that.

Friendship Building Conversations Activity

Instructions: Meeting a New Friend Semi-Controlled Practice

  1. Use the provided prompts to continue the conversation between Sarah and Alex.
  2. Engage in dialogues where you exchange greetings, talk about shared interests, make plans for an upcoming picnic, and confirm the details of the meeting.
  3. Practice speaking and using the language elements learned in the conversation.
  4. Work in pairs or small groups and take turns playing the roles of Sarah and Alex.
  5. Encourage each other to respond naturally and enjoy the practice.

These activities aim to help you practice your conversational skills and reinforce the use of language elements in a controlled setting.

Prompts 1-4

Interaction 1: Initial Greeting

Prompt 1:

Sarah and Alex meet again after their first interaction. They exchange greetings and catch up on their plans for the picnic.

Sarah: (Friendly) Hi, Alex! How are you?

Alex: (Smiling) Hey, Sarah! I’m good. How about you?

Interaction 2: Shared Interests

Prompt 2:

During their second meeting, Sarah and Alex discuss their shared interests and hobbies.

Sarah: (Curious) You mentioned you enjoy painting. What kind of paintings do you like to create?

Alex: (Enthusiastic) I love landscapes and abstract art. How about you? What do you enjoy painting or doing in your free time?

Interaction 3: Making Plans

Prompt 3:

In their third encounter, Sarah and Alex plan their upcoming picnic in more detail, discussing what food and activities they want to include.

Sarah: (Planning) So, for our picnic, what kind of food should we bring? Any preferences or dietary restrictions?

Alex: (Considering) I’m open to anything, but I love sandwiches and fresh fruit. What do you think?

Sarah: (Agreeing) That sounds great! I’ll bring sandwiches, fruits, and maybe a salad. Do you have any game or activity in mind for the picnic?

Interaction 4: Confirming the Meeting

Prompt 4:

In their fourth conversation, Sarah and Alex confirm the details of their picnic meeting, discussing the date, time, and any additional items they need to bring.

Sarah: (Organizing) We’re all set for our picnic on Saturday. Shall we meet at the same park at noon?

Alex: (Confirming) That works for me! I’ll bring a blanket and some board games. Do you need anything else for the picnic?

Sarah: (Thinking) Not really, I think we’ve got everything covered. Looking forward to it!


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