Job Interviews


1. Vocabulary and Phrases:


a. Introduction:

Greetings: “Hello, nice to meet you.
Self-introduction: “My name is [Name], and I am [current position or background].”

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b. Common Questions:

– “Can you tell me about yourself?”
– “What are your strengths and weaknesses?”
– “Why should we hire you?”

c. Skills and Experience:

– “I have a strong background in [specific skill].”
– “I am proficient in [software/tool].”

d. Aspirations:

– “In the future, I aim to [career goal].”
– “I’m excited about the opportunity to [specific task].”


  1. Jobs:
    • Teacher
    • Manager
    • Secretary
  2. Skills:
    • Teaching
    • Organizing
    • Typing
  3. Software/Tools:
    • Microsoft Word
    • Excel
    • Email
  4. Aspirations:
    • Goal
    • Future
    • Task
  5. Positive Traits:
    • Hardworking
    • Friendly
    • Responsible

What to say when asked common questions

Can you talk about yourself?

  • Hello, my name is Juan. I am a teacher. I like helping students learn new things. In my free time, I enjoy reading and listening to music.

What are you good at?

  • I am good at teaching. I enjoy explaining things in a simple way so that everyone can understand.

Why should we hire you?

You should hire me because I am a hardworking and responsible teacher. I always try my best to help students succeed in their studies. I am also friendly and get along well with others.


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Can you talk about yourself?

  • Answer:
    Hello, my name is Sarah Rodriguez. I am a dedicated and enthusiastic teacher with 7 years of experience. I graduated from Harmony University with a degree in English Education. Throughout my career, I had the opportunity to work with diverse groups of students. I am passionate about interactive teaching methods. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute my skills and passion for education to Maplewood High School.
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