Vocabulary list:
- Enthusiastic (Adjective): Showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.
- Example: Anna is enthusiastic about her new fitness routine.
- Curious (Adjective): Eager to know or learn something.
- Example: James is curious about making positive lifestyle changes.
- Routine (Noun): A sequence of actions regularly followed; a fixed program.
- Example: Anna incorporated jogging into her morning routine.
- Therapeutic (Adjective): Having a healing or curative effect.
- Example: For Anna, jogging is a therapeutic activity.
- Positive Tone (Phrase): Creating a favorable or optimistic atmosphere.
- Example: Jogging sets a positive tone for Anna’s day.
- Incorporate (Verb): To include or absorb something into a larger whole.
- Example: Anna decided to incorporate more fruits into her diet.
- Energy Levels (Phrase): The amount of energy a person has, often referring to vitality or stamina.
- Example: Anna felt an improvement in her energy levels after dietary changes.
- Processed Snacks (Phrase): Snack foods that have undergone extensive manufacturing.
- Example: Replacing processed snacks with healthier options is a good dietary change.
- Well-Being (Noun): The state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy.
- Example: Prioritizing self-care is crucial for overall well-being.
- Meditating (Verb): Engaging in a practice that involves focusing the mind to achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state.
- Example: Anna finds meditating beneficial for relaxation.
- Prioritize (Verb): To arrange or deal with in order of importance.
- Example: Anna prioritizes self-care in her daily routine.
- Inspiring (Adjective): Providing motivation or encouragement.
- Example: James finds Anna’s approach to a healthier lifestyle inspiring.
- Small Changes (Phrase): Minor adjustments or modifications.
- Example: Anna suggests starting with small changes for a gradual transition.
- Perspectives (Noun): A particular attitude or way of viewing things.
- Example: The conversation allows students to share their perspectives on healthy living.
- Accessibility (Noun): The quality of being easy to reach or use.
- Example: The language used ensures accessibility for learners at a low intermediate level.