Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Semi-Controlled Answers Part 1

Instructions for overall comprehension exercise:

Read both, questions and answers,
The answers are incomplete.
You need to complete the answers with the second part given below the picture.
Match both on a separate piece of paper.
Answer the quiz given below the second picture.

Instructions for Listening Comprehension:

Listen to the audios and try to nourish the strategy of not stopping for a word
Try to undestand the gist of the message conveyed
Do not translate
For vocabulary words go to page 3
For the complete quetions and answers go to page 2

1. What sparked your interest in adopting a healthier lifestyle?

  • Well, you know, I’ve been feeling a bit sluggish lately, and I thought it’s time to make some positive changes. So, I started exploring healthier habits like…

2. How do you incorporate exercise into your daily routine?

  • “Oh, it’s been a journey! I’ve tried different things, but now I’ve settled on something that works for me. Every morning, I usually…”

3. What role does diet play in your overall well-being, and have you made any recent changes to it?

  • “Diet is a big piece of the puzzle, isn’t it? Recently, I’ve been more conscious about what I eat. For instance, I’ve started including more…”

4. Do you have any specific self-care practices that you find particularly beneficial?

  • “Absolutely! Self-care is a must. I’ve started doing this one thing, and it’s surprisingly helpful. You see, I’ve incorporated…”

5. How do you deal with the challenges of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, especially when life gets busy?

  • “Oh, balancing everything can be tricky, right? Life gets crazy sometimes. But I’ve found that when things get busy, I try to…”

6. Have you ever tried any unconventional or unique activities for improving your well-being?

  • “Oh, for sure! I’m always up for trying new things. Recently, I experimented with something a bit unconventional. I gave…”

7. In what ways do you think a positive mindset contributes to a healthier lifestyle?

  • “Mindset matters a lot, doesn’t it? I truly believe that a positive outlook can make a huge difference. Personally, I’ve noticed that…”

8. How do you make healthy choices when it comes to snacks or meals, especially in environments where processed options are more accessible?

  • “Navigating through snacks can be a challenge. But you know, I’ve developed a strategy for that. When I’m in places with processed snacks, I usually opt for…”

Call Center English, talking about Healthy Lifestyle Choices two young adults having a conversation in a gym looking at board as if going over a routine

Semi-Controlled Answers Part 2

A. A short daily stretching routine. It really helps with flexibility and relaxation.

B. Fresh fruits and veggies in my meals. It’s amazing how it boosts my energy.

C. Practicing gratitude daily helps. It’s a simple habit but makes a big impact.

D. Mindful eating a shot. It made me more aware of what I consume.

E. Taking short walks every day. It’s surprising how a little movement can make a big difference.

F. Fresh fruit or nuts. It’s a healthier choice that still satisfies cravings

G. Prioritize my tasks and focus on one thing at a time. It helps manage the chaos.

H. Practice mindfulness and meditation. It sets a positive tone for the day.

Call Center English, talking about Healthy Lifestyle Choices, Close-up of pretty girl eating fresh vegetable salad

Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Please match the answers with the missing part

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