Días de la Semana, Partes del Día

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Title: “Meet the Days of the Week!”


Let’s go on an adventure to meet the days of the week! Each day is special, and it has its own name from gods and planets. Let’s learn where these names come from!


Here is the Sun! ☀️ Sunday is the Sun’s day, and it shines the brightest to end the week.”


“Meet the Moon! 🌙 Monday is named after the Moon. It’s a bright and quiet friend in the night sky.”


“Say hello to Tiw! ⚔️ He’s a strong warrior god, and that’s why Tuesday is named after him.”


“On Wednesday, we meet Woden! 🧙‍♂️ He is a wise god, with magic powers. That’s why we call it Wednesday!”


“Boom! It’s Thor’s day! ⚡ He’s the god of thunder, and he has a big hammer to make lightning.”


“Now, let’s meet Frigg. 💖 She’s the goddess of love and beauty. Friday is her special day!”


“On Saturday, we say hi to Saturn! 🌟 Saturn is a planet with beautiful rings, and this day is named after him.”


OrderQuestionAffirmative AnswerNegative Answer
1.Is it Monday?Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.
2.Is it Tuesday?Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.
3.Is it Wednesday?Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.
4.Is it Thursday?Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.
5.Is it Friday?Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.
6.Is it Saturday?Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.
7.Is it Sunday?Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.

Please watch the video and answer the questions below.

1. What does she do on Monday?

2. What does she do on Tuesday?

3. What does she do on Wednesday?

4. What does she do on Thursday?

5. What does she do on Friday?

6. What does she do on Saturday?

7. What does she do on Sunday?

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