Buying Tickets at a Movie Theater

Conversation 5: Buying Tickets at a Movie Theater


  • Emma (E)
  • Ticket Seller (TS)


Emma wants to buy tickets for a movie at a theater.


Emma: (Polite) Hi, I’d like to buy two tickets for the 5:00 PM movie, please.

Ticket Seller: (Friendly) Hello! Sure, which movie would you like to see?

E: (Simple) We’d like to see the action movie, please.

TS: (Confirming) Two tickets for the action movie at 5:00 PM, right?

E: (Confirming) Yes, that’s correct.

TS: (Quoting) That’ll be $20 for two tickets.

E: (Paying) Here you go. (Hands over money)

TS: (Handing tickets) Thank you. Enjoy the movie!

E: (Grateful) Thanks, you too!

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