Book Club Discussion

Emily: Hey, Jake! I was thinking of starting a book club. Interested?

Jake: Absolutely, Em! I love reading. What kind of books are you thinking of?

Emily: Well, I was considering some contemporary fiction. Moreover, I’ve heard there’s a new release everyone’s talking about.

Jake: Nice choice. I’m into that. On the other hand, have you thought about adding some classics to the mix?

Emily: That’s a good idea. Nevertheless, I want it to be a mix of new and classic, something for everyone.

Jake: Totally get that. Meanwhile, how often are we thinking of meeting?

Emily: Maybe once a month? Consequently, it gives everyone enough time to read the book and not feel rushed.

Jake: Sounds good. In addition, are we meeting at a specific place, or is it more casual?

Emily: I was thinking we could rotate. One month at my place, the next at yours. Meanwhile, it keeps it relaxed and lets everyone host.

Jake: Cool plan. In contrast, do we set a specific genre for each month or go with the flow?

Emily: I was leaning towards going with the flow. Nevertheless, if someone has a strong recommendation, we can go with that.

Jake: Great flexibility. Meanwhile, what’s the first book on the list?

Emily: How about “The Night Circus“? It’s been on my to-read list for ages.

Jake: Perfect! I’ve heard great things about it. Can’t wait to discuss it with everyone.

Emily: Me too! It’s going to be fun.

Click here to get the PDF of the Night Circus

Click here to get the Audio Book of the Night Circus

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