Asking for Directions

  1. Basic Directions:
    • Go straight.
    • Turn right.
    • Turn left.
    • Go straight ahead.
  2. Indicating Distance:
    • It’s just around the corner.
    • It’s a short/long walk.
    • It’s a few blocks away.
    • It’s on the opposite side of the street.
  3. Landmarks:
    • Look for [landmark] on your right/left.
    • Pass by [landmark].
    • It’s next to [landmark].
    • You’ll see [landmark] in front of you.
  4. Using Street Names:
    • Take [Street Name] until you reach…
    • Turn onto [Street Name].
    • Cross [Street Name].
    • It’s between [Street Name] and [Street Name].
  5. Describing Location:
    • It’s on the corner.
    • It’s at the intersection of…
    • It’s by the traffic lights.
    • It’s in the vicinity of…
  6. Giving Specifics:
    • It’s the third building on your left.
    • It’s just before/after the [specific location].
    • It’s across from the park.
    • It’s at the end of the street.
  7. Using Cardinal Directions:
    • Head north/south/east/west.
    • Go in the direction of the sunrise/sunset.
    • It’s on the northwest/southeast side.
  8. Providing Guidance:
    • Follow the signs for…
    • Keep going until you see…
    • Take the first/second/third exit.
  9. Emergency Directions:
    • If you get lost, ask for directions.
    • Use a map or a navigation app.
    • Is there a specific place you’re trying to find?
  10. Confirming Directions:
    • Am I going the right way to [location]?
    • Did I understand correctly that I should…?
    • Can you repeat the directions, please?
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