Asking for Directions

Giving directions in English

Go straight - Giving Directions

go straight

Go straight on Main Street.

Turn left -Giving Directions

turn left

Turn left at the supermarket.

Turn right - Giving Directions

turn right

Turn right on the next corner.

Go past - Giving Directions

go past

Go past the cinema and you’ll find the library.

Cross - Giving Directions


If you cross the street, you’ll find a bookstore there!

go along

Go along the main road until you find the gas station.

around the corner

The museum is just around the corner.


You can find the coffee shop between the office building and the movie theater.


There’s a nice park behind the parking lot.

turn back / go back

If you get to the bridge, you went too far, you’ll have to turn back.

go down

Go down the hill and you’ll find the entrance to the park.

go over

To get to the building, you have to go over the walkway.

go through

Take a shortcut to the school going through the park.

go up

Go up the hill and you’ll find the bus stop.

in front of

The market is in front of the City Hall.


My school is beside a small park.


I live near the forest.

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