Reading 1: The Impact of Climate Change on Biodiversity

Welcome to your Reading 1: The Impact of Climate Change on Biodiversity

Detail Question 1: According to the passage, what are the components of biodiversity?

Inference Question 2: Based on the passage: how does climate change affect the balance between species?

Vocabulary Question 3: What does the term "extinction" mean in the context of the passage?

Purpose Question 4: What is the main purpose of the passage?

Organization Question 5: How is the passage structured? Is it organized chronologically or thematically?

Detail Question 6: According to the passage, what are some examples of critical habitats that are at risk due to climate change?

Inference Question 7: Based on the passage, what is the potential consequence of species migrating to more suitable environments?

Vocabulary Question 8: What does the term "mitigate" mean in the context of the passage?

Reference Question 9: In paragraph 4 or (PT3), what does the pronoun "they" refer to?

Inference Question 10: Based on the passage, what measures are suggested to reduce the impact of climate change on biodiversity?

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