Practice: Scanning for Key Information

In this exercise, you will practice finding key details in a short text. Instead of reading everything carefully, focus on important words like dates, times, names, and locations. The answer is usually right next to these key words in the passage. Your goal is to scan quickly and find the exact information needed to answer each question.

Exercise 1: Library Hours

📖 Text:
"The university library opens at 8:00 AM and closes at 10:00 PM from Monday to Friday. On weekends, it opens at 9:00 AM and closes at 6:00 PM."

✏️ Question:
What time does the library open on Saturday?

Exercise 2: Study Group

📖 Text:
"The English study group meets every Tuesday and Thursday at 4:00 PM in Room 210."

✏️ Question:
What days does the English study group meet?

Exercise 3: Exam Date

📖 Text:
"The history exam is scheduled for Friday, April 15, at 10:30 AM in Room 305."

✏️ Question:
When is the history exam?

Exercise 4: Cafeteria Special

📖 Text:
"Every Wednesday, the cafeteria serves free soup with any meal purchase from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM."

✏️ Question:
What food is free on Wednesday?

Exercise 5: Bus Schedule

📖 Text:
"The university shuttle bus departs every hour starting at 7:00 AM, with the last bus leaving at 9:00 PM."

✏️ Question:
What time does the last bus leave?

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