Passive Voice Multiple-Choice Exercise

Instructions: Choose the correct form of "to be" to complete each sentence.

1. The documents __________ sent to the client yesterday.

2. The project __________ being reviewed by the manager right now.

3. The invitations __________ delivered before the event started.

4. The report __________ to be finalized by next week.

5. The house __________ painted last week by a professional.

6. The bridge __________ currently being repaired by engineers.

7. The package __________ not yet been delivered. (Present Perfect)

8. All assignments __________ submitted by the end of the day tomorrow.

9. A new policy __________ introduced to improve productivity.

10. The solution __________ being discussed by the team during the meeting as we speak.

11. The castle __________ restored before the festival began.

12. The winners __________ announced tomorrow.

13. The room __________ cleaned while the guests waited.

14. This book __________ written by an award-winning author.

15. The task __________ completed if more resources had been provided.

16. The email __________ sent yesterday evening after the meeting.

17. A new rule __________ introduced next month to improve safety standards.

18. The project __________ delayed for three weeks due to bad weather.

19. The documents __________ currently being translated by a team of experts.

20. The results __________ already been reviewed by the professor.

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