Basic Vocabulary


Listen and Repeat

Listening: level A2 /B1


Are you into cars? My brother is. He’s car crazy. He buys car magazines, watches car programs on TV and spends hours looking
at car websites. He knows the name, maker, engine size and top speed of every car on the planet. Every time we go out, he talks non-stop about the cars he sees. I like cars. They are interesting. If I had a lot of money, I’d like to buy a sports car. I’m saving up for a small car at the moment. I’ll probably buy a hybrid car that is good for the environment. My brother thinks these are boring. He says a car should be powerful and fast. I don’t agree. I think cars should get you from A to B and be big enough for me and my friends. I also prefer smaller cars because they are easier to park.


I wonder what life would be like without taxis. No one ever really stops to think how important taxis are. They are everywhere. Just think how convenient they are. All you do is walk out onto the street, raise your hand, and a cab stops. It then takes you anywhere you want to go. Hailing a cab in large cities is as easy as anything. I think everyone has a favorite taxi story. My best experience was with a Cairo taxi driver. I was late for a train. I told him I’d pay double if he could get me to the station in fifteen minutes. It was like a formula one race. We got there early and I gave him a big tip. I’m always amazed by London taxi drivers. They are called cabbies and know every street in London and the quickest way from A to B.


Driving is one of life’s greatest pleasures. There’s nothing better than getting behind the wheel and going for a drive. I live in the countryside, so it’s easy to get out onto an open road. I open the windows and turn the music up and then just drive and drive. I like driving to new areas and finding new roads. I find it very relaxing and great fun. I like the speed and the freedom. I even like driving in towns and cities, although not when traffic is really heavy. It’s not much fun being stuck in a traffic jam half the day. Driving in different countries is great fun. I’m a little nervous at first, but I soon get to know the roads. People have different ways of driving in different countries. I don’t like countries that have aggressive drivers.


Trains are great. They must be the best way to travel. It’s so nice sitting on the train seat, stretching your legs and looking out the window. I love looking at the world go by from the train window. Taking a train in another country is even better. It’s like being in a movie. I’ve always loved trains. I love the sound, smell and motion. Usually, catching a train means going somewhere nice. Most of my train journeys have been to different cities, often on vacation. I’m not so keen on commuter trains, especially crowded, rush-hour subway trains. Everybody looks miserable because there’s no space and people are on their way to work. My dream is to take all of the world’s great train journeys.

Formula one

I’m really into motor racing. Especially Formula One. It really is one of the most glamorous and exciting sports. Of course, it’s one of the fastest. I’m amazed by the speed of the cars and how skillful the drivers are. I’d love to drive a Formula One car to see how fast they go. People say Formula One is a man’s sport. It isn’t. I know lots of women who love it. One day, there’ll be a female world champion. You wait. I got into Formula One years ago. I loved the names of all the drivers. I watched a few Grands Prix on TV and then I was hooked. I never miss a race on TV. One day, I’d really like to go to a circuit and watch a Grand Prix live. I guess Monaco would be best – they drive through the streets there.

Listening: level B1 /B2


Airplanes are amazing. How does something so big and heavy get off the ground? I’m always amazed at how the millions of different parts work together. Travelling by airplane is always a wonderful experience. I don’t care whether economy class is cramped and has no space. I like playing with the in-flight entertainment system, especially now they have all the latest movies. I also love airplane food. Many of my friends say it’s disgusting, but I love it. I often ask the passenger next to me if I can have the dessert or roll they don’t want. The only thing I don’t like about planes is turbulence. When the airplane hits those air pockets, I always worry we’ll crash. But I once read that turbulence has never caused an airplane to crash.

Road Rage

I don’t understand road rage. It is a problem that is getting worse all over the world. People are turning into monsters when they get behind the wheel of a car. They think the road belongs to them. They think they don’t have to follow speed limits or consider other drivers. I wonder why this is. What is it about cars and driving that turns normal people into maniacs? Some people simply hoot and shake their fists. The funny thing is that they also do the same things to make other drivers angry. Serious road rage happens when someone gets out of their car and gets angry. They can punch the other diver and sometimes even kill them. Why would you want to kill someone because they overtook you? Crazy.


Someone really should do something about the traffic. It’s terrible. It’s getting worse every day. There are so many cars on the roads these days. It’s a nightmare driving in the city. Bumper to bumper even at midnight. I don’t know where all this traffic came from. You turn on the radio and the traffic report is all about congestion here, snarl-ups and gridlocks there. The answer must be to get better public transport. Let people take the train or bus. People need to leave their cars at home. The roads are too dangerous. And then there’s the pollution. It’s disgusting outside sometimes. You feel like you’re breathing pure fumes. We need to get rid of these traffic jams so we can move and breathe more easily.


Aren’t airports strange places? There’s so much happening in them. People coming, people going; people crying with sadness because they’re going away, people crying with joy because they’ve arrived. Big airports are almost like small towns. It seems like you walk across a town by the time you check in and get to your departure gate. The thing I like most about airports is people watching. There are people from all over the world. I also like how everything fits and works together. You check your luggage in and then it disappears, before you see it again at the next airport. I still think airports need improving. There’s not a lot to do there. Airports really need to have an entertainment area so people can kill time.

Listening: level B2/C1


Speed kills. This is something I remember from a road safety campaign many years ago. It’s true. There are too many drivers who drive too fast. So many people are killed on the road because of speed. I don’t understand why people don’t follow the speed limits. Many people are addicted to speed. Of course, it is exciting to go fast. That’s why things like roller coasters are so exciting. The faster they are, the better they are. It’s different for cars though. I think governments should limit the speed a car can go. If the speed limit on the road is 100kph, why sell cars that can go 200kph. I hope in the future they have sensors on the road that can control the speed of your car.


Transportation hasn’t really changed a lot in the past 100 years. When you think about changes in other areas of our life, transportation is pretty much the same as it was years ago. OK, cars, trains and airplanes are faster, but they’re not so different than they were 50 years ago. Take airplanes, for example. I think air travel has got worse. Fifty years ago, people flew and were given great service. Today, you are like sardines in a can. And look at cars. The cars from fifty years ago look nicer than today’s ones. They still had four wheels, used petrol and had a steering wheel. I think transportation will really only change when it becomes more personal. I’m waiting for my own jet pack of mini-copter.


I wonder how many accidents I’ve had in my life. I’ve had a few serious ones where I’ve ended up in hospital. Traffic accidents are the worst. They’re always painful. I haven’t had too many work-related accidents. I suppose that’s because I do office work and that’s not so dangerous. Most of my accidents are those around the house. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve hit my thumb with a hammer. I’m also really good at standing up and hitting my head on something. I’m not as bad as my friend though. He’s a real accident looking for somewhere to happen. Almost every time we meet, he has some story to tell about his latest accident. He’s quite unbelievable. I think I’d be very worried if I were his mother.
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