Test 1: Predicting from Context & Using Word Categories


For each question, read the text first and try to guess the answer before looking at the options. Then, use word categories (places, times, names, actions) to eliminate wrong choices and find the correct one.

1. University Workshop Announcement

📖 Text:
"Join us for a special Resume Writing Workshop this Saturday at 2:00 PM in Room 102. Learn how to write a professional resume and get feedback from career experts. Free for all students!"

✏️ Question: What is the purpose of this workshop?

2. Cafeteria Hours Change

📖 Text:
"Starting next week, the cafeteria will close at 7:00 PM instead of 8:30 PM on weekdays. Breakfast and lunch hours remain the same."

✏️ Question: What change is happening at the cafeteria?

3. Library Study Room Rules

📖 Text:
"Students can reserve a study room for up to 2 hours. Bookings must be made at least one day in advance. No food or drinks are allowed inside."

✏️ Question: What is a rule for using the study rooms?

4. Campus Bus Schedule

📖 Text:
"The university bus departs every 20 minutes between 6:00 AM and 10:00 PM. On Sundays, it runs every 40 minutes instead."

✏️ Question: How often does the bus run on Sundays?

5. Health Center Services

📖 Text:
"The University Health Center offers free medical check-ups to students every Tuesday and Thursday. It is open from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM on weekdays."

✏️ Question: What service is provided for free?

6. Lost and Found Notice

📖 Text:
"If you lost something on campus, visit the Lost and Found Office in Room 110. Items are kept for 30 days before they are donated."

✏️ Question: Where should students go if they lose an item?

7. Professor’s Office Hours

📖 Text:
"Professor Davis will be available for student meetings every Monday and Wednesday from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM in Room 205."

✏️ Question: When can students meet Professor Davis?

8. Volcanoes and Eruptions

📖 Text:
"A volcano is an opening in the Earth's surface where lava, ash, and gases escape. Some volcanoes are active and can erupt at any time, while others are dormant and may not erupt for hundreds of years. The most powerful eruptions can change the climate by sending ash into the atmosphere."

✏️ Question: What can come out of a volcano?

9. Gravity and Weight

📖 Text:
"Gravity is the force that pulls objects toward the Earth. This is why we stay on the ground instead of floating in the air. The weight of an object depends on gravity. If you travel to the Moon, your weight will be lower because the Moon has less gravity than Earth."

✏️ Question: What happens to your weight on the Moon?

10. Fossils and Dinosaurs

📖 Text:
"Fossils are the remains of ancient plants and animals that have turned into rock. Some of the most famous fossils belong to dinosaurs, which lived millions of years ago. Paleontologists study fossils to learn about how dinosaurs moved, ate, and lived."

✏️ Question: What do fossils tell us about dinosaurs?

11. Planets in Our Solar System

📖 Text:
"There are eight planets in our solar system. The four closest to the Sun are rocky planets, and the four farther away are gas giants. The largest planet, Jupiter, has more than 75 moons. Earth is the only planet known to have life."

✏️ Question: Which planet has the most moons?

12. Insect Life Cycle

📖 Text:
"Most insects have four stages in their life cycle: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. A caterpillar is a larva that later becomes a butterfly. During the pupa stage, the insect is inside a protective case, changing into its adult form."

✏️ Question: What does a caterpillar become?

13. Fungi and Mushrooms

📖 Text:
"Fungi are a type of living organism that includes mushrooms, mold, and yeast. Unlike plants, fungi do not need sunlight to grow. They break down dead plants and animals to get nutrients. Some fungi are useful, like yeast in bread, but others can be harmful."

✏️ Question: How do fungi get nutrients?

14. Basic Geometry

📖 Text:
"A triangle is a shape with three sides. A square has four equal sides. A circle is a shape with no sides. In math, these are called basic geometric shapes."

✏️ Question: Which shape has four equal sides?

15. Ocean Zones

📖 Text:
"The ocean has different zones based on depth. The sunlight zone is the top layer, where most sea animals live. The twilight zone is deeper, with little light. The midnight zone is the darkest part, with no sunlight at all."

✏️ Question: Which ocean zone has no sunlight?

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