CEFR Guided Test CEFR Guided Tests Test Your English Proficiency comprehension Reading Analyze TOEFL-style texts and sharpen your academic reading skills. comprehension Listening Practice academic lectures and campus conversations to improve comprehension. writing Writing Master TOEFL essays with clear organization and strong arguments. speaking Spoken Interactions Engage in academic discussions and structured TOEFL responses. speaking Spoken Production Practice independent and integrated speaking tasks with TOEFL prompts. ability Note Taking Listen, identify key points, and organize information efficiently. Course Content Expand All Reading 7 Topics Expand Lesson Content 0% Complete 0/7 Steps Reading A1 Basic User / Strategies Reading A1 Basic User / Exercises and Quizzes Reading A2 Basic User Reading B1 Independent User Reading B2 Independent User Reading C1 Proficient User Reading C2 Proficient User Listening Speaking Interaction Speaking Production Note Taking Writing