Using “When” with Simple Past

Welcome to your Using "When" with Simple Past

1. When the dog (bark), the baby (wake up).

2. She (finish) her homework when her friend (arrive).

3. When the clock (strike) twelve, they (begin) to dance.

4. I (lose) my keys when I (run) to catch the bus.

5. When the teacher (enter) the room, the students (stand) up.

6. He (get) a phone call when he (drive) to work.

7. When the storm (start), we (leave) the beach.

8. She (spill) her coffee when she (open) the door.

9. When the fireworks (begin), everyone (cheer).

10. He (hurt) his ankle when he   (jump) off the wall.

11. When the music (play), they (start) dancing.

12. I (drop) the glass when I (hear) the noise.

13. When the bell (ring), the students (run) out of the classroom.

14. She (find) a wallet when she (walk) home.

15. When the sun (rise), we (begin) our hike.

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